Happy Spring Break, Cascade students, staff, and families!

Recently, the Icicle River Middle School 6th grade choir had the opportunity to perform at the Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA) Small Schools Conference! Students did a great job under the direction of teacher Mr. Wall. Thank you to our communities for your support of our choir program!

Beaver Valley School performed a great docu-play called Echoes of the Wild! We learned about P'Squosa heritage, wolves, mountain beavers and more! Great job, students!

The Wenatchee River Institute (WRI) has received funding specifically designated to provide outdoor programming for Alpine Lakes Elementary next year. This incredible opportunity was made possible by an Alpine Lakes family who recognized the funding gap and generously stepped up to fill it. Thanks to their support, every student at Alpine Lakes will have the chance to visit the woods, meadows, and shoreline of the Wenatchee River Institute for up to four half-days per classroom next year. This will allow our students to learn and explore in their own community, creating unforgettable outdoor experiences and fostering a deeper connection with nature. Thank you!

Students at PD had a snack attack today and got to read books with little flashlights!

Cascade High School has 25 pieces of Kodiak art on display, with other high school artists from North Central Washington. Check out the inspiring show at the Wenatchee Museum, curated through Saturday, April 19th.

Education Support Professionals Week is March 10-14. Take some time and thank our hard working Nurses, Bus Drivers, Custodians, Paraeducators, Maintenance and Grounds, Food Services and Office Personnel. We can't thank them enough for all they do!!

Wenatchee River Institute is continuing their after school program for the rest of the 2024-2025 school year for grades K-3 Field Educators will meet students at Alpine Lakes Elementary and meander to WRI for a fun afternoon. Pickup is at 5:30PM on the WRI campus.
Registration for ASP is now open! This program will be Pay What You Can. ASP will run 4 days a week with registration split into 2 sessions - Tuesday/Thursday and Monday/Wednesday. You may sign up for one or both sessions.
For more information, see: https://wenatcheeriverinstitute.org/event-calendar.html/event/2025/03/17/after-school-program-monday-wednesday/516667?blm_aid=3549185, and/.or https://wenatcheeriverinstitute.org/event-calendar.html/event/2025/03/18/after-school-program-tuesday-thursday/516669?blm_aid=3549185

The Women's Service League of NCW is holding a Prom Dress Giveaway on March 22 and 23. It's open to all high school girls with a student ID. All dresses are free.

We love this article by Upper Valley MEND about our awesome middle school librarian Ms. Siderius! https://www.uvmend.org/news/empty-bowls-art-grant-recipient-kerry-siderius-makes-creativity-a-priority. Thanks to Empty Bowls for supporting our students and her!

Helion will be holding a meeting on Tuesday, March 11 from 5:30 - 6:30 PM at Mission View Elementary in Wenatchee.
Helion, a fusion energy company founded in 2013, is considering Chelan County as the site for its very first fusion power plant, located near Rock Island Dam off the Malaga-Alcoa Highway. Before moving forward with the permitting process, Helion wants to hear directly from the community and answer your questions about the project. To submit questions, see: https://www.menti.com/alvxbk724tcd

Check out the February edition of the Kodiak Chronicle at: https://thekodiakchroincle.wixsite.com/news!

Kindergarten Enrollment is open now for the 2025-26 School Year. Here is the link to enroll: https://www.cascadesd.org/o/csd/page/registration-enrollment-all-schools

Did you know that Cascade High School and Kodiak Virtual Academy students have access to free online tutoring via Varsity Tutors? Students can login directly from the CHS website under For Students > Clever.

Join Cascade and amazing community partners at our Health Fair on March 7! Dinner starts at 5:00 pm at Cascade High School!

Come one, come all to the super fun Grizzled Old Men vs Senior Guys on Wednesday, February 26 at 7 pm at the CHS gym. Go Kodiaks or go Grizzled?

Apply to Girls Who Code’s Summer Programs by 2/26 for a chance to win a $350 gift card or an iPad!
Apply to Girls Who Code’s free, virtual Summer Programs to join a community of mentors and students like YOU as you dive into the world of coding and tech. You’ll find inspiration and support every step of the way, whether you’re learning to code for the first time or building advanced skills.
High school girls can apply by February 26, 2025, for priority consideration and the chance to win your choice of a $350 Amazon gift card or an Apple iPad! The application closes on April 11, 2025. See: https://girlswhocode.com/programs/summer-immersion-program

February is Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month! Cascade School District is proud to have a huge portfolio of CTE opportunities, well beyond what would be expected for a district our size. For more information, see: https://www.cascadesd.org/o/chs/page/career-technical-education-cte.

Cascade School District passed both levies thanks to YOU, our community! With the funds that come to the district through voter-approved levies, we can continue offering our students the programs and services they need. THANK YOU!

On the ballot, the Cascade School District is proposing two
replacement levies to voters to replace current levies set to expire in
December 2025. These levies are not new taxes but a continuation of the
existing levies approved by voters in 2021. The renewal of these levies will
not increase the overall tax rate and will continue to support vital programs
and services for students.
Please remember to vote by February 11. Learn more about how levy dollars are
making a difference in our community on our website: