cascade school board

L to R standing - Trey Ising, Cyndi Garza, Mike Worden
 L to R seated - Judy Derpack, Supt Tracey Edou, Zachary Miller

Five community members make up the Cascade School District's Board of Directors, one from each of the five geographical districts.  The board members are elected to their posts by registered voters for terms of four years.  Individual board member's authority is limited to actions taken by the board as a whole when the board is legally in session.  Board members do not assume the responsibilities of administrators or other employees. 

The School Board has fundamental governance responsibilities that fall into five major areas:

  • Vision

  • Governance

  • Accountability

  • Structure

  • Advocacy

The Role of the School Board
It is the function and responsibility of the school board to:

  • Assess, adopt and evaluate policy that adheres to state and national law

  • Develop, plan, monitor and assess the district's strategic plan, goals and objectives

  • Represent and act as a liaison between the community and the district

  • Hire and establish goals for the evaluation of the superintendent

  • Approve, monitor and steward district assets in alignment with community priorities

  • Assure systematic review and evaluation of the district curriculum and programs

  • Advocate on behalf of the district for appropriate state and national educational laws

Student safety and each student's continuous development are top priorities.  Each student's needs and interests are the board's primary responsibility.

Although it provides overall governance of the district, the Board employs and empowers a professional staff of administrators led by a strong superintendent of schools to carry out the district's daily functions and to pursue its short and long range goals.  Once a year, typically in December, the board chooses its chairperson, vice chair, legislative liaison, liaison to City of Leavenworth Parks & Recreation, liaison to Cascade Education Foundation, and Washington Interscholastic Athletic Association liaison.

Board Meeting Information

The regular meetings of the Board of Directors will be held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 pm, according to a yearly schedule adopted in advance by the Board  2024-2025 board meeting dates. Adjustments may be made to the schedule.  Refer to the Board Calendar.

Board Meeting Informational Brochure

Special Meeting Dates

Special Meetings are announced within 24 hours of being held.  They are called by the board president or by a majority of the board, and are typically held to deal with emergencies, study sessions that are not regularly scheduled and board retreats. 

How Do I Become a School Board Member?
If you are interested in becoming a board member, you must be a citizen of the United States, need to be over 18 yrs of age and a registered voter of Chelan County.  Candidacy is filed with Chelan County Elections at the courthouse in Wenatchee, WA in May either in person or online at www.elections.chelancountywa.gov and under "Candidate Resources". Primaries are then in August with elections occurring in November of that year.  Please contact the Superintendent's office (548-5885/Julie Winters) if you are interested in learning more. 

If you are interested in any of the director positions, you must reside within the boundaries of the director district you are planning to become a candidate in.  For more information, please visit Chelan County Elections at www.co.chelan.wa.us/elections

Recommended Reading:  Serving on your local School Board

trey ising

Mr. Trey Ising, Chairman

Director District #5 (Dryden/Blewett Pass area)

Term Expires:  November 2025
Birthplace:  Livermore, CA
Leavenworth Resident since: 
Board Member since: 

Additional Information:  Married with nine children.  All have or will attend schools within the district. Owns and operates Cascade Quality Water.

Education:  Graduated from Central WA University - General Bus Degree
Cascade High School graduate. 

Email: tising@cascadesd.org

cyndi garza

Ms. Cyndi Garza, Vice Chair

Director District #4 (Peshastin/North Rd)

Term Expires:  2027

Birthplace:  Leavenworth, WA
Peshastin Resident:
All my life 
Board Member since: 

Additional Information:  Married with two children, both Cascade HS graduates.  Retired business owner.

Education:  Graduate of Peshastin-Dryden High School and Evergreen State College

Email: cgarza@cascadesd.org

Judy derpack

Ms. Judy Derpack

Director District #2 (City of Leavenworth, Titus Rd, Ski Hill)

Term Expires:  2027
Leavenworth Resident since: 2012
Board Member since:  November 2019

Additional Information:  Judy has four daughters and four grandchildren and is a 30-year veteran teacher.  She was a substitute instructor for Cascade School District from 2012-2014 and has served as an instructor for Mountain Sprouts from 2014-2017.  She helped to create the new Willow Forest School.  Additionally, she has served with 12 nonprofits through the years, 6 of which are in Leavenworth.  

Education:  Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education with a minor in Psychology.  Judy was the Director and Parent Educator for Shoreline Community College from 1997-2011.

Email: jderpack@cascadesd.org

Judy brings a broad perspective to the district which includes:

  • A unique blend of educational/classroom experience

  • An understanding of outdoor youth education

  • An appreciation of rural/small community living

  • Parental understanding as a grandparent and parent educator

She has a commitment to consensus and is inspired by diversity in culture and education, recognizing that everyone's path is different.  

"There is no power greater than a community that cares about its children and families." ~ Judy D


Dr. Mike Worden

Director District #1 (Icicle Rd/E Leavenworth Rd area)

Term Expires:  November 2025

Birthplace:  Missoula, MT
Leavenworth Resident since:  2011
Board Member since: November 2021

Additional Information: Married with three daughters.  Retired military. Retired business executive.  Retired consultant.  Active in community service.

Education:  Bachelor of Science:  USAF Academy, Masters and PhD Duke University

Email: mworden@cascadesd.org


Zachary Miller

Director District #3 (Chumstick area - Eagle Crk side of 209, Lake Wenatchee, Plain)

Term Expires:  November 2025


Leavenworth resident since:

Board Member since:  October 2019

Additional Information:   .


Email: zmiller@cascadesd.org