In case of a board vacancy (resigning before the end of their elected term), the remaining board members shall fill the vacancy by appointment. The board receives applications from qualified persons seeking to fill the position. Qualified persons would have to live within the vacated director district, be a US citizen, and a registered voter. The board will appoint one of the candidates to serve until the next regularly scheduled board election, at which time a director will be elected. See board policy 1114.
If you are considering applying for a current vacancy, please fill out the one page application of interest (see link below), a letter of interest and resume and email to At which time, a set of questions will be emailed to you. Initial application, letter and resume must be at the District Office, 330 Evans St, Leavenworth by 5 pm February 7th. Interviews will be the afternoon of February 12th (with a regular board meeting to follow).
Board Application for Director District Appointment Consideration (this is a PDF)