What is the WIDA ACCESS & Alternate Assessment?
Title III of the Every Student Succeeds Act requires states to assess the English language proficiency of students receiving English Language Development (ELD) services at school. WIDA assessments were developed by a consortium of states that use the WIDA standards to measure English Language Proficiency standards for K-12 students.
The WIDA ACCESS assessment is an online annual assessment given to all students who qualify for ELD services through the placement test. Washington State began administering the WIDA ACESS as the annual assessment in the 2021-22 school year.
What is the goal of WIDA ACCESS?
The goal is to provide assessments that best measure an English Learner's mastery of the communication demands of rigorous academic standards.
What does WIDA ACCESS measure?
It measures students' English language proficiency, both knowledge and skills, in reading, listening, writing, and speaking. Results from this test determine which students remain eligible to continue receiving ELD services.
How is WIDA ACCESS administered?
It is administered online to students. Contact the Special Services Department to request to be screened or for further information about the WIDA screener.
What is WIDA Alternate ACCESS?
WIDA Alternate ACCESS assesses language proficiency for those English Learners with the most significant cognitive disabilities. Contact the Special Services Department to request to be screened or for further information about WIDA Alternate ACCESS.
When are WIDA ACCESS & Alternate ACCESS administered?
The Office of Supervisor of Public Instruction (OSPI) establishes state assessment testing windows each school year. Districts and schools schedule state assessment administration dates within those OSPI windows; please contact your school for details regarding planned state assessment dates.