Special Education

Contact Us

Special Education
10195 Titus Rd
Leavenworth, WA 98826
P: (509) 548-4042
F: (509) 548-8116

Special Education Director

Kristi Thurston - kthurston@cascadesd.org

In order to provide appropriate specially designed instruction to all qualified students with disabilities in the Cascade School District, the special education department has the following goals: 

1. Hire and retain qualified, passionate, innovative, and well-trained special education staff.
2. Implement state and federal regulations with the highest ethical standards.
3. Provide access to technology for special education staff and students.
4. Support general educators regarding appropriate accommodations and techniques for meeting the needs of all students in the general education program.
5. Work with families in a friendly and collaborative manner to ensure the success of every student.

Child Find

Child Find is a national program available through public schools for identifying students with special needs. Children and young adults may qualify for services if they have delays in speech, language, fine motor, gross motor, and/or learning, or whose learning is impacted by vision, hearing, and mobility.

This screening is for children under the age of 21 who have speech, gross motor, fine motor, health or developmental concerns, who are not already enrolled in school and have not graduated from high school. 
To schedule a screening, please call (509) 548-4042

Early Intervention: Birth-to-Three 
Early Intervention is a partnership between families and early childhood professionals and supports the growth, development, and learning of children birth to three years of age with developmental delays or disabilities.  If you have a concern about your child's development and they are between the ages of birth and three, contact:
   Early Childhood Intervention
      Janelle Bersch

      (509) 664-8781

For more information about Early Learning in Washington State:

    The Washington State Department of Early Learning

    Early Support for Infants and Toddlers

    The State Division of Developmental Disabilities

Preschool Child Find Program: Ages 3-5
The Early Childhood Development Team provides a free developmental screening and/or special education evaluation for all children ages three to five years suspected of having a developmental delay or disability. 

 If you would like to set up a Child Find screening for your 3-5 year-old child please contact the Special Education Department - (509) 548-4042

School-Age Program: Kindergarten age through 21 years 

(All children entering kindergarten must be five years old by August 31)

Child Find activities are extended to students who are homeschooled or attending private elementary or secondary schools located within the Cascade School District boundaries. 

To refer a student of concern please contact your child's school, staff directory. 

Phone numbers and address can be obtained from the Cascade School District website.

child find spanish